Project-based Work and Specific Policy and Regulatory Consultancy – examples

Tactics and strategy: briefing notes, identification of relevant precedents, benchmarks and policy and regulatory strategy papers for businesses, including on initial business cases.

Market entry assistance: securing, throughout Europe, authorisations, numbering resources, radio spectrum and rights-of-way, including experimental permits and requests for comfort letters.

Public consultations: preparing draft responses, participation in public and individual hearings, etc.

Market analyses: preparing draft responses to consultations on proposed market definitions, assessment of Significant Market Power, and appropriate regulatory obligations, and related appeals processes.

Multi-country overviews on specific regulatory topics. Overviews developed by T-REGS are regularly presented by operators in regulatory proceedings and in judicial proceedings.

Assistance to trade associations, and ad-hoc groups of interest, in formulating and communicating their positions on policy and regulatory issues.

Disputes: participating in preparing briefs, complaints, defences, settlement proposals, etc.

Investments and due diligence: participation in due diligence processes relating to the acquisition of businesses; drafting of regulatory sections of investment prospectuses and official filings.

Access and interconnection: negotiation, with or on behalf of operators, of access, interconnection, IRU, co-location, and related agreements.

Assistance to policy makers and to regulatory authorities: confidential critical analysis of envisaged policies or draft texts, to flag-up foreseeable problems, such as loopholes that are likely to be exploited, impracticability, likely challenges, etc. and institutional twinning.