The Dutch
Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (College van Beroep voor het Bedrijfsleven
– CBB) has granted the appeals filed against the OPTA decisions of 14 Nov 2005
and 31 May 2006 relating to the wholesale markets for voice call termination on
individual mobile networks. 

Tribunal has proceeded to completely annul the OPTA decisions, which relate to
the wholesale call termination charges of KPN Mobile/Telfort, Vodafone,
T-Mobile, Orange
and Tele2. This decision affects the entire programme of reductions of
wholesale mobile call termination charges, including the reduction which came
into effect on 1 July 2006. 

directed to take new decisions with regard to the market for voice call
termination on individual mobile networks (Market 16 of the European
Commission's Recommendation on Relevant Markets Susceptible to Ex-Ante
Regulation), taking into account the ruling of the Tribunal. 

Only the
decision to grant the appeals has been published at this stage. It can be accessed (in Dutch) by clicking here. The full
content and reasoning of the ruling will be sent to the parties and will be
published within two weeks.